Carbon Gold Biochar Soil Improver 1L

Carbon Gold Biochar Soil Improver

Carbon Gold Biochar Tree Soil Improver

Carbon Gold Biochar Tree Soil Improver - ideal for all woody plants

Improves vitality, root growth & water retention with reduced nutrient leaching

Biochar is enriched with fungi, trace nutrients & beneficial bacteria

Available in pack sizes: 1L & 4L

Availability: Out of stock

Carbon Gold Biochar Tree Soil Improver - Treatment for trees, shrubs, roses, bare root stock & hedging

Biochar Tree Soil Improver is Soil Association Approved for organic growing and is designed to be used as a planting aid for trees and all woody plants. It can be used for transplanting or revitalising new and established woody plants. The tree soil improver improves fertility giving healthier trees that require less watering. It also promotes strong root development and reduced nutrient leaching by improving the soil structure which helps defend against transplant shock and stress caused by drought conditions. Biochar is a pure, high carbon form of charcoal and Carbon Gold's biochar is enriched with fungi, trace minerals, fertiliser and beneficial bacteria for healthy plant growth. The tree soil improver can be used with all woody plants, including new and established trees, as well as shrubs, roses, hedges and bare root stock. For superb results with no chemical additives simply add the Tree Soil Improver into garden compost or soil when planting or existing plants add directly to the soil around the base of the plant.

Carbon Gold Biochar is made from completely natural ingredients, UK sourced charcoal & natural biology to give you healthier and more fertile plants that require less watering.

Key Information:

  • Mix in as a compost additive or add directly to the garden soils
  • Carbon Gold Biochar is enriched with fungi, trace nutrients and beneficial bacteria
  • Adds nutrients and soil biology, increasing water retention
  • Approved for use with organic growing
  • Can be used for all woody plants, for new planting & established trees
  • Available in 1L & 4L pack size

About Carbon Gold Biochar:

What is Biochar?
Biochar is a high carbon form of charcoal. It is 100% peat free and is used as a soil amendment or improver. It is also Soil Association Approved for organic growing and a FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) Certified product. The earliest known use of Biochar was over 2000 years by the pre-Columbian indigenous people of the Amazon. Biochar is the new oldest thing around!

How is Biochar made?
Biochar is produced as a high carbon form of charcoal by heating organic matter at very high temperatures without oxygen, in a process called Pyrolysis. It does not degrade and gives a permanent improvement to your soil.

How does Biochar help my soil?
Carbon Gold's enriched Biochar brings a physical and permanent change to the soil, it improves soil structure as well as aeration, nutrient and water retention. Biochar has a honeycomb structure that acts a refuge for the added beneficial microbiology added by Carbon Gold. This means that Biochar does not get leached by rainfall and remains available to the soil. Even in periods of drought Biochar helps with water retention meaning you do not have to water as often as you would without the addition of Biochar. Carbon Gold's Biochar is enriched with mycorrhizal fungi, trace minerals and beneficial bacteria.

What is Biochars environmental impact?
Biochar permanently locks carbon into the ground rather than releasing harmful CO2 into the atmosphere. Producing Biochar is also known as a carbon negative process. Biochar is good for your garden and good for our planet!

Who are Carbon Gold?
Carbon Gold was founded by Craig Sams, founder of Green & Blacks Chocolate in 2007. Carbon Golds products are 100% peat free and Soil Association Approved for organic growing. Their products are commonly used by organic and conventional gardeners alike. Carbon Gold received incredible results from extensive third party scientific trials looking into their enriched Biochar's effect on plant health.

How should I use Biochar Tree Soil Improver?
Biochar Tree Soil Improver can be mixed into compost when planting or added directly to the soil around the base of established woody plants & trees.

Useful Information:

NPK Analysis


Where to use For all types of new & established woody plants, trees, roses, shrubs, hedging, bare root


Area Application Rate
For new planting in a pot 4L pack will treat a 40L pot
For new planting into soil Apply at rate of part Biochar Tree Soil Improver to 9 parts compost/soil
For existing trees & woody plants Incorporate into the soil around the base of established plants
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