Peckish Everyday Nest Box

Peckish - Everyday Nest Box

Gardman Jumbo Suet Cookie

Gardman Jumbo Bird Suet Cookie

Gardman Suet Filled Co-Co Feeder With Mealworm


Suet Filled Co-Co Feeder with Mealworm

Availability: Out of stock

Gardman - Suet Filled Co-Co Feeder with Mealworm

Gardman Suet Filled Co-Co Feeders with Mealworm contain a high energy suet and seed mix in a ready to use coconut shell.

Gardman Suet Filled Co-Co Feeder with mealworm is a high energy suet and seed mix in a ready to use coconut shell, that can easily hang on trees and dining stations.

Key Information:

  • Attracts all garden birds
  • Recommended for all year round feeding
  • Easy to hang on trees

Gardman Suet Filled Co-Co Feeder will attract the following birds:

  • Dunnock
  • Robin
  • House Sparrow
  • Goldfinch
  • Bullfinch
  • Blue Tit
  • Chaffinch
  • Greenfinch
  • Coal Tit
  • Long Tailed Tit
  • Great Tit
  • Song Thrush
  • Blackbird
  • Nuthatch and many more!

Useful Information:


Animal fat, wheat flour, mixed seeds, wheat, maize, oats, mealworm

Where to use Hang from a tree, or use on bird tables
Suitable for Wild Birds