Hozelock Hose Hanger

Hozelock - Hose Hanger

Hozelock Hose Connector Set

Hozelock - Hose Connector Set

Hozelock Plus - Lance Spray

Hozelock Plus

Lance Spray

Availability: In stock

Hozelock - Lance Spray Plus

The Hozelock lance spray plus is a long reach spray lance that comes with a fixed 90cm handle to make watering those hard to reach areas an absolute breeze. This product is a lightweight and durable product made from long lasting materials, making sure it last the test of time. The multi-spray gun has an adjustable angle head, with a variety of different spray patterns. The Powerful Jet setting is perfect for cleaning, Fast fill for filling up buckets and watering cans, Fine mist for seedlings and delicate plants, a definition fine metal rose for gentle watering, Flat spray for rinsing soap off cars and Cone spray for delicate watering. This Product is absolutely perfect for all you garden and cleaning needs. It also has the benefits of an ergonomic handle that ensures comfort & ease when using the hozelock lance around the garden.

  • It has an added comfort grip
  • 5 different watering functions
  • Made from frost proof materials
  • Compatible with Most major brands of hose fittings and accessories
  • The ergonomic handle ensures comfort & ease of use when watering

Useful Information:

Material: UV Stable Plastic
Spray Settings jet, cone, fast fill, flat spray and fine rose.
Function Garden Watering
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