JBA Seed Potatoes - Picasso - Maincrop

JBA Seed Potatoes - Picasso - Maincrop

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JBA Seed Potatoes - Setanta - Maincrop

JBA Seed Potatoes

Setanta - Maincrop

Availability: Out of stock

JBA Seed Potatoes - Setanta - Maincrop

Easy to grow with excellent blight and scab resistance, Setanta seed potatoes are a great choice for any budding 'grow your own' gardeners. With a smooth red skin encasing a yellow flesh, this potato variety has a great taste and will do well at any kitchen task, whether it be boiling, mashing, baking or even roasting.

Setanta is a main crop seed potato and if planted in March, will be ready to harvest from August onwards.

Key Information:

  • Smooth red skin with a yellow flesh
  • Excellent blight and scab resistance
  • An all-rounder potato with a great taste

Advice & Tips:

  • Dig over the area you wish to plant your potatoes, removing any weeds.
  • Create shallow ridges in the ground approximately 60cm apart, planting the seed potatoes into the ridge approximately 12cm deep and 22cm apart.
  • When the plants have grown to approximately 20cm in height, draw soil up around the lower leaves to protect the newly forming potatoes
  • For an earlier harvest, potatoes can be chitted before planting - to do this, place the seed potatoes into an open container, such as an egg box, and leave in a light and airy position, protected from frost, to allow the potatoes to grow small shoots. Be careful not to damage the chits when planting into the ground.

Useful Information:

When to sow: March - April
When to Harvest: August onwards
Culinary Use: Excellent for Boiling, Mashing, Baking, Roasting and Chipping
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