Mr. Fothergill's - Beetroot Seeds - Perfect 3

Mr. Fothergill's - Beetroot Seeds - Perfect 3

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Mr. Fothergill's - Spinach Seeds - Samish F1

Mr. Fothergill's - Spinach Seeds - Samish F1

A versatile small-leaved tender spinach that is great in salads and cooking

Availability: Out of stock

Mr Fothergills Spinach Seeds - Samish F1 Variety

Samish F1 is a versatile spinach variety that has excellent mildew resistance, ensuring a long harvest period. It can be harvested as baby or mature leaves for tender dark 'savoyed' spinach leaves that are great cooked or in salads & provide a good source of vitamins A, C & folate. These seeds can also be grown under glass from October-February to harvest fresh baby leaves throughout the winter.

Sow outdoors between March-September & they will typically be ready to Harvest between May-October.

Key Information:

  • Avg. 250 seeds per pack
  • Small-leaved & tender
  • Mildew resistant - ensures a long harvest period
  • Great in salads & cooking
  • Good source of vitamins A, C & folate

Advice & Tips:

  • Sow thinly outdoors where they will crop, allowing 30cm between rows
  • Sowings made from July onwards should only be grown for baby leaves
  • Seedlings usually appear in 7-14 days
  • Ensure soil stays moist to prevent plants running to seed
  • Harvest unthinned as baby leaves
  • Take a few leaves from each plant to allow them to re-grow for 2-3 more pickings
  • Thin seedlings to 10cm apart to produce mature plants
  • Sow every 3 weeks to ensure a continuous supply of leaves

Useful Information:

When to sow Outdoors: March - September
Where to use Vegetable beds
When to Harvest: May - October
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