Dribox Weatherproof Christmas Light Connections Box - Small

Dribox Weatherproof Christmas Light Connections Box

22mm Suction Cups (Pack of 20)

Suction Cups with Metal Hook for Christmas Decorations (Pack of 20)

Multi Purpose Suction Cups for Christmas Decorations

Multi Purpose Suction Cups

2-in-1 suction cup designed to hold a variety of Xmas decorations

Available in 6 x 45mm and 12 x 35mm pack sizes

Availability: Out of stock

Multi-Purpose Suction Cups with clip & metal hook for Christmas decorating - Premier Decorations

Available in two different sizes, these multi purpose suction cups from Premier are ideal for hanging a variety of Christmas decorations both indoors and outdoors. Complete with both a cable clip and a metal hook attachment, these handy dual purpose suction cups secure both your Xmas lights and decorations in one. Simply affix to your chosen surface and hook in your decorations to complete your display.

Make sure you're all set for Christmas with those all important accessories to help you finish putting up displays around the house. Suitable for both indoor & outdoor use, these suction cups are the perfect accessory to help complete your Xmas display.

Useful Information:

Pack size Available in packs of 6 or 12 suction cups
Product size 6 pack - 45mm diameter
12 pack - 35mm diameter