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Patio Magic Hard Surface Cleaner 2.5 L

Patio Magic hard surface cleaner.

Kills & controls green mould & algae on patios, driveways & masonry.

Availability: In stock

Patio Magic kills & controls green mould & algae on Patios, Driveways & Masonry

Patio Magic 2.5 L is a concentrated hard surface cleaner for removing green mould & algae from driveways, patios, masonry & other outdoor hard surfaces. It is a biodegradable, long-lasting, anti-bacterial disinfectant which kills green mould & algae typically within 2-4 days and gently cleans the treated surfaces in the following weeks & months. It is also suitable for indoor use, & as a pre-paint fungicidal wash.

Algal growth may discolour for several days after treatment. Patio Magic can be used to kill black mould; however residual black mould staining may still persist.

Key Information:

  • Concentrated hard surface cleaner to kill & control green mould & algae.
  • Ideal for patios, driveways, masonry & hard surfaces.
  • Helps prevent re-growth in following weeks & months.
  • Can be applied with a garden sprayer or watering can.

Advice & Tips:

  • For best results use a garden sprayer to apply
  • Do not apply if rain is expected in the next 5-6 hours
  • Do not allow spray to contact plants or grass
  • Do not allow pets into the treated area until completely dry for 5 to 6 hours
  • Do not allow surface run off into drains, ponds or water courses

Useful Information:

Contains 5% or over but less than 15% Benzalkonium Chloride
Coverage up to 85 m2 depending on surface & application method
HSE No 8579
Application Rate On dry surfaces - Garden Sprayer - Dilute 1 to 4 with water for normal use - using a low-pressure nozzle to cover 3.5m2 horizontal surfaces or 7m2 vertical surfaces.
On dry surfaces - Watering Can - Dilute 1 to 4 with water for normal use - coverage will be lower
Where to use Hard Surfaces, Patios, Masonry, Driveways
When to use Suitable for use year round
Target Controlled Green Mould & Algae

Use Biocides safely. Always read the label.