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Taylors Bulbs - Globe Artichoke - Artichokes

Taylors Bulbs - Globe Artichoke


Availability: Out of stock

Taylors Bulbs - Globe Artichoke - Artichokes

The Globe Artichoke, a large member of the thistle family is regarded as the 'true' artichoke

Key Information:

  • Edible variety of thistle
  • Easy to cook

Advice & Tips:

  • Globe artichokes require a fertile, moist but well drained soil in a sunny but sheltered position.
  • Remove any weeds as they will compete for food & water
  • Adding well rotted compost, manure or a general fertilizer will improve yields.
  • As the plants grow they may become top heavy so staking may be necessary.

Useful Information:

Plant: Autumn or Spring
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