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Taylors Bulbs - Ice King Narcissus Daffodil

Taylors Bulbs

Ice King Narcissus

Availability: Out of stock

Taylors Bulbs - Ice King Narcissus

Carnation-like ruffled blooms.

Key Information:

  • Allow the foliage to die naturally as early removal can cause the bulb not to flower the following year. Feed after flowering with a low nitrogen fertilizer

Advice & Tips:

  • Daffodils like well-drained but moist, humus-rich soil in sun or partial shade. Avoid very dry areas such as under conifers
  • Plant informal groups in beds or borders, under deciduous shrubs and trees, in lawns and outdoor containers
  • Can be left undisturbed for years although should they become overcrowded, once the leaves have withered, lift, divide and replant immediately

Useful Information:

Flowers from March/April
Flowering height 45cm
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