Resolva Xtra Weed Killer Ready to Use 1 L

Resolva Xtra Lawn Weed Killer Ready to Use

Roundup Tree Stump Weed Killer Concentrated 250 ml

Roundup Tree Stump Weed Killer Concentrated 250 ml

Vitax SBK Tree Stump Killer Concentrated 250 ml

Glyphosate Free Tree Stump Killer

Concentrated formula - controls up to 8 tree stumps

Can also be used on hardwood saplings & woody weeds

Availability: In stock

Vitax SBK Tree Stump Killer glyphosate free weed killer

Vitax SBK Tree Stump Killer is a concentrated selective weed killer which kills tree stumps at the roots to prevent regrowth. This glyphosate free tree stump killer is also effective against tough woody weeds & hardwood saplings.

Key Information:

  • Concentrated tree stump killer
  • No glyphosate
  • Treats up to 8 tree stumps
  • Dilute as per instructions
  • Maximum number of applications is 2 per year
  • Do not use on wanted/cultivated plants

Advice & Tips:

  • Use when the weeds are small & actively growing & the soil is moist
  • When treating tree stumps do not apply between April and June when sap is rising
  • Do not use when rain is expected, spray on a calm wind free day to avoid drift
  • Re-treatment may be necessary for well established or difficult to control weeds. However there should be 6 week interval between treatments
  • Allow 6 weeks between application & re-planting

Useful Information:

Contains Triclopyr
Coverage Makes up to 625 ml solution, to cover up 8 12.5 cm diameter tree stumps
Mapp No 12711
Application Rate Tree stumps - By painting - mix equal volumes product & water
By sprayer - add 200 ml product to 300 ml water
Paint or spray all surfaces of cut stumps & bark down to soil level
Woody Weeds & hardwood saplings - 30 ml per 1.5 L water, applied with a sprayer to leaves, branches & stems
Tough Weeds, Nettles & Brambles - to cover 10 m2
By watering can with fine rose - 30 ml per 6 L water
By sprayer - 30 ml per 1.5 L water
Where to use Tree stumps, grassed & non-crop areas, avoiding wanted plants
When to use Apply to tree stumps in Autumn & Winter, avoiding April-June when sap is rising
Apply to woody weeds between June & August
Apply to tough weeds & hardwood saplings between May & October
Weeds Controlled Tree Stumps, Brambles, Thistles, Nettles, Woody Weeds

Use weed killers safely. Always read the label.

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